Saturday, August 14, 2010

Idaho International Film Festival 2009 Program Guide 'Samurai Avenger: The Blind Wolf'

Warning: This is not your standard samurai flick! This movie is chock full of stuff that your parents wouldn't want you to watch, so cover your eyes (and be thankful you still have them). Samurai Avenger: The Blind Wolf is a visual tour de force into a surreal world of cowboys, samurai masters, witches and zombies. With a tip of the hat to Shogun Assassin, Zatoichi, A Fistful of Dollars and Italian zombie movies, it’s a perfect late show.

While camping in the desert, innocent family is attacked by the personification of evil, Nathan Flesher. You will squirm in your seat when the Blind Wolf is born! Years later, he returns as a master samurai. Flesher is about to be released from prison and has arranged for seven assassins to kill Blind Wolf. Samurai Avenger offers mind bending twists and periodically “a little explanation” detailing the Samurai code of Bushido. The dead pan narration adds sly humor to the slicing, dicing and the lobbing off of parts that splatter along The Blind Wolf’s path to revenge.
– Mike Skurko


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