Monday, August 09, 2010

Hole Head 2010 - Program Guide 'Grotesque'


Koji Shiraishi

In this film Grotesque takes a minimalist approach to the disturbing genre of torture porn when a demented doctor kidnaps a man and a woman who are out on a first date in Tokyo. He tortures, mangles, disfigures and degrades them. He promises them that all they need to do to be released is to offer him some “excitement.” He promises, more than a few times between skewering a liver or poking and eye out, that he’ll “be nice” if he gets what he wants…

Grotesque is brimming with sexual perversion and some of the most horrific torture scenes imaginable. The unapologetic and unflinching camera takes the audience for a horrible look at what is billed as the “cruelest Japanese splatter movie ever.” With exceptional makeup, prosthetics and special effects, it’s highly likely this film will be more than your average audience can tolerate. Rating a very high ‘wince factor’ Grotesque takes the chainsaw to new levels of gore and then after a very messy job sawing off fingers, our insane torturer lovingly strings the fingers and makes a “gift” necklace for his captive audience.

The recipe for Grotesque? Simplicity. Two parts torture porn and a dash of snuff film. Hardcore and terrible. This film is not for the meek. Really. Nightmares are 100% guaranteed.

-Mike Skurko


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