Monday, August 09, 2010

Hole Head 2010 - Program Guide 'Phasma X Machina'

Phasma X Machina (The Ghost From The Machine)

Dir: Matt Osterman

Phasma X Machina begins with two geeky brothers living alone in their house after both parents tragically die in a car accident. The older of the two has custody of the younger brother and is “doing his best” to see that he makes it to school on time.
Phasma X Machina is a ghost film that finds the older sibling putting his mechanical and electrical abilities to the test by building an electrical device that can, if it works, bring back the dead. The question as he tweaks the device, of course, is this really a good idea? The second question which is equally an issue here is how accurate is this thing? Are you really going to be bringing back the right people?
It’s been a long, long time since I’ve seen a ghost movie that is legitimately creepy. You know the feeling. Something creepy, really creepy is happening and you get those hair-raising shivers. Hair-raising. This film brings on the shivers and takes you into a creepy and scary realm and does not let go. Phasma X Machina will haunt your nightmares. Consider yourself warned!

- Mike Skurko


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